Plants of Distinction
Dwarf Bean Ying Yang Vegetable Seeds
Available weeks
An exceptionally flavoursome stringless Bean with 6" pods and quite the BEST purple bean today. Huge crop where even the shelled beans are coloured finally giving in to the first frost.
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An exceptionally flavoursome stringless Bean with 6" pods and quite the BEST purple bean today. Huge crop where even the shelled beans are coloured finally giving in to the first frost.
SKU | WW-510 |
Country of Manufacture | United Kingdom |
Brand | Plants of Distinction |
Scientific name | Phaseolus vulgaris |
Common name | Dwarf Bean |
Seeds/packet | 40 |
Sådd | Blötlägg fröerna ett dygn före sådd. Du kan så på friland i maj-juni när jordtemperaturen är minst 15 grader. Vattna jorden före sådd och håll fuktigt tills fröerna grott. Om du vill förodla - täck sådden med klar plast försedd med lufthål och placera i ca 25 grader. Plantera ut efter avhärdning när frostrisken är över. Täck gärna med fiberduk. |
Germination (days) | 14-21 |
Plantavstånd | 45 cm |
Exposure | Full Sun |
Cultivation Advice | Climbing French beans tend to be smaller than runner beans and have more tender pods. The immature pods are eaten whole, semi-mature pods are shelled and the beans inside eaten, mature pods can also be shelled and the beans eaten fresh or dried and stored like kidney beans. Climbing varieties can reach up to 2.5m in height and are best grown up canes. Dwarf French beans produce the same type of beans and pods as climbing beas and are used in the same way, but the plants are more compact generally about 45cm tall. Dwarf beans are good for growing in containers. Runner beans have a more pronounced flavour than French beans. The plants are more prolific, some can grow up to 2.5m tall, and the beans produced are very long and flat. Dwarf runner beans produce beans like standard runner beans on very compact plants. Some varieties of dwarf runner beans are can be quite ornamental in containers. Quintessentially British, runner beans are one of the easiest of all vegetables to grow. To many people both summer and the vegetable plot would be incomplete without them. Bean seeds are large and easy to sow. They can be started indoors or planted direct into the vegetable garden but need warm conditions to germinate. Sowing bean seeds indoors gives a faster and more reliable germination rate, particularly for runner beans. At the end of April through to early May sow a single bean seed, 4cm or 1 and a half inches deep, in a 3 inch pot filled with multi-purpose compost. Seedlings will be ready to plant out after about three weeks. Before planting out, put them in a cold frame or a cool porch for a few days so that they can acclimatise to the conditions outside. Alternatively, climbing, runner and dwarf beans can be grown from seed sown directly in the soil between the second half of May and the middle of June. Before sowing outdoors you will need to construct a support for your beans, wigwams or a double row of inward sloping 8ft canes are popular support options for runners and climbing beans. Sow beans outdoors from mid-May until July, 5cm deep, two seeds per support cane, spaced 15cm (6in) apart. After germination remove the smaller and less robust of the two young plants thinning to one plant per cane. As they grow, ensure the plants continue to twine around their canes and water well. Runner beans are particularly thirsty. Picking beans regulary and often will encourage a longer cropping period. |
Skörd(x) | Bönorna är törstiga så vattna rikligt. Skörda regelbundet för rikligare skörd. |
Harvest | July |
Plant Height | 40-50 cm |
Skördemängd | Riklig |
Näring | innehåller proteiner, fibrer och mineraler i stora mängder. |
Care | Easy |
KRAV marked | No |
Language on package | English |
Brand | Plants of Distinction |
Height | ca 50 cm |
Storage | Keep your seeds in a cool, dry and dark place. |
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